Part 1: Reviving Bluetooth with BlueZ and Zephyr RTOS


Having been away for over 6 years, I find myself returning to the world of Bluetooth technology, particularly focusing on BlueZ and the challenges it presents with its DBus API. Despite the advancements during my absence, navigating BlueZ remains daunting. However, armed with newfound enthusiasm and a growing affinity for Zephyr RTOS, I am eager to revive Bluetooth implementation on Linux with fresh ideas and insights.


Getting ready:

To kickstart your journey with BlueZ, you’ll need:

  1. A Linux System: Ensure Bluetooth services are running on your Linux setup.
  2. Bluetooth Adapter: Most modern systems come equipped with one, or you can easily obtain a USB Bluetooth dongle.

But why stop there? Let’s add some excitement:

  • Bluetooth Peripheral: Utilizing Zephyr RTOS, we’ll employ the nRF52840DK from Nordic Semiconductor as our Bluetooth peripheral
  • Raspberry Pi as a Linux Host: This versatile platform will serve as our Linux host, facilitating seamless integration and development.


Refreshing DBUS:


One of the most challenging aspects of diving into BlueZ is mastering DBus communication. Above is a simplified representation of how an application can control the power state of a Bluetooth adapter using the DBus interface. In our next article, we’ll delve deeper into this sequence with an example program using the GDBus API, providing practical insights and solutions.



With the foundation laid out, we’re poised to explore and innovate in the realm of Bluetooth technology once again. Stay tuned as we unravel the complexities of BlueZ, DBus, and Zephyr RTOS, paving the way for exciting new possibilities in Bluetooth implementation on Linux.


Note: This blog is making a comeback.

Linumiz at Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2022


Linumiz participated in the OSSummit organized by The Linux Foundation in Dublin, Ireland on Sept 12-16, 2022.

Out of 5 talks, 3 talks proposed by Linumiz engineers have been accepted:

Dinesh Kumar K  discussed the topic of 
— Interfacing Sensor with Zephyr for IoT Devices – Youtube

Parthiban  discussed  the topic of 
— Contributing to Zephyr vs (Linux and U-boot)  – Youtube
— Long Jumping Linux 2.6…5.10  – Youtube

And also we’ll be presented on The Zephyr Project Mini-summit or ZephyrRTOS



Book your schedule to discuss with our engineers:



Zephyr RTOS: Booting signed image with custom keys for MCUboot

In previous blog we have used sample key available in MCUboot repository for signing the application image. But it is strictly advised to use custom keys for production purposes or else attacker may modify the application image in flash and take control of the device. In this blog we are going to generate the custom keys and build the sample application with generated key.Before building the sample application with custom keys, a few things need to be discussed about cryptography.

Cryptography is broadly classified into two categories:

  • Symmetric Encryption
  • Asymmetric Encryption

Symmetric Encryption:

Symmetric encryption uses single key (private key) to encrypt and decrypt the message. Here sender uses private key to encrypt the message and receiver uses same private key to decrypt the message. Private key is shared between the sender and receiver.

Symmetric Algorithms: AES, Blowfish, Serpent, Twofish, 3DES and RC4.

Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption is quite opposite to symmetric encryption, it consists of two different keys. Public and private key. Here sender uses public key to encrypt the message and receiver uses private key to decrypt the message. So public key is available to everyone and private key is kept secret with authenticated receiver.

Asymmetric Algorithms: RSA, DSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman.

Zephyr support RSA 2048 and RSA 3072 Asymetric encryption. Here we are going to use RSA 2048 Algorithm for signing the image.

Let’s get started

cd $HOME 
cd zephyrproject/mcuboot 
Generate a key using openssl command 
openssl genrsa -out my_key.pem 2048

This command will create a file named my_key.pem which contains both private and public key.

Modify the prj.conf file to include the generated key.

vi boot/zephyr/prj.conf

change the default key from root-ras-2048.pem to my_key.pem


and save the file.

Build and flash MCUboot Bootloader

west build -s boot/zephyr -b disco_l475_iot1
west flash

Once the bootloader is flashed open the device’s serial monitor by following command

minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0

If everyting goes right, it will display the following output.

The above image describes the bootloader is successfully flashed. Since the slot0_partition (primary partition) does not contain’s signed application image, it’s through an error message in last line.

Follow this steps to flash the sample application (signed image) with zephyr.

cd $HOME
cd zephyrproject/zephyr/samples/basic/blinky

Open the prj.conf file

vi prj.conf

And include the following line and save the file


Build the application

west build -b disco_l475_iot1 samples/basic/blinky/

Generated output can be found in the build directory

ls -l build/zephyr/zephyr.{bin, hex, elf}

Signing the builded Image with generated key

In previous blog we have used python script to sign the image. Here we are going to use west command to sign the image. For this we need imgtool, install the tool with pip3.

pip3 install --user imgtool

Then run the following command to generate the signed image.

west sign -t imgtool -- --key ../mcuboot/my_key.pem

This will generate the signed bin and hex in the build directory.


Flash the image

west flash --hex-file build/zephyr/zephyr.signed.hex

Open the serial monitor to check the output.

Here Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000, denotes the starting address of the slot0_partition. Here bootloader transfer it’s control to application image. It will blink the on board LED every second.

To check the functionality of secure booting, sign the application image with different key available in the repository.

west sign -t imgtool -- --key ../mcuboot/root-rsa-2048.pem

flash the image

west flash --hex-file build/zephyr/zephyr.signed.hex

Open the serial monitor to check the output.

MCUboot failed to boot the application image, since we are using different key for signing the application image.


MCUboot uses Asymmetric encryption for secure booting. Here, Bootloader uses public key and application image uses private key for signing the image.

Zephyr RTOS: Introduction to MCUboot

In the previous blog post, we have build and flashed the sample application for disco_l475_iot1 board using Zephyr RTOS. In this post we are going to build and flash the same sample application with MCUboot (Bootloader).


What is a MCUboot?

Here, MCU stands for Microcontroller and boot stands for bootloader which provides a secure firmware upgrade for 32-bit microcontroller. To build a MCUboot with Zephyr the board should have the flash partitions defined in it’s device tree. The partitions are:

  • boot_partition
  • slot0_partition
  • slot1_partition
  • scratch_partition


boot_partition contains the bootloader code for securely booting the application image, swapping the application image between slot0 and slot1.


slot0_partition contains the application image. Once the bootloader is booted it will search the application image available in the primary partition(slot0_partition). After finding the application it will securely boot the image.


This is a secordary partition, where the firmware upgrade image get stored. Zephyr application which receives the firmware upgrade via serial, bluetooth and other communication protocol, get stored in the secondary partition(slot1_partition).

Note: The size of the slot0_partition and slot1_partition should be same.


This is a partition, where image get stored temporarily for swapping the image between the slot0 and slot1 partition.


Let’s get started

If you didn’t have any prior experience with Zephyr, please follow the previous blog to setup the development environment, build and flash the sample application.

Clone the MCUboot repository with the following commands:

cd $HOME

cd zephyrproject

git clone

cd mcuboot

Install the python dependencies by following command:

pip3 install --user -r scripts/requirements.txt

Build and flash MCUboot bootloader

Build the MCUboot bootloader with Zephyr and flash the bootloader to the board

west build -s boot/zephyr -b disco_l475_iot1

west flash

Once the bootloader is flashed open the device’s serial monitor by following command

minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0

If everything goes right, it will display the following output.

The above image describes the bootloader is successfully flashed. Since the slot0_partition (primary parttion) does not contain’s any signed application image, it’s through an error message in last line.

Follow this steps to flash the sample application (signed image) with zephyr.

cd $HOME

cd zephyrproject/zephyr/samples/basic/blinky

Open the prj.conf file

vi prj.conf

And include the following line and save the file


Build the application


west build -b disco_l475_iot1 samples/basic/blinky/


Generated output can be found in the build directory

build/zephyr/zephyr.{bin, hex, elf}

Signing the builded Image

Since the MCUboot is a secure bootloader we need to sign the generated application image with the private key.

cd ../mcuboot/scripts

./ sign --key ../root-rsa-2048.pem --header-size 0x200 -S 0x6000 --align 8 --version 1.2 ../../zephyr/build/zephyr/zephyr.hex signed-zephyr.hex


Once the image is signed using flash the image using west.

cd ../

west flash --hex-file scripts/signed-zephyr.hex

Open the serial monitor to check the output.

Here Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000, denotes the starting address of the slot0_partition. Here bootloader transfer it’s control to application image. It will blink the on board LED every second.



In this post we build and flashed the sample application using mcuboot with available key in the repository. In this next blog post we will build and flash the image with custom keys.





Zephyr RTOS: Getting Started

Zephyr, a project of The Linux Foundation backed by major tech companies like Intel, Nordic Semiconductor, NXP, Linaro and much more companies developing and maintaining a small real-time operating system for connected, resource constrained devices supporting multiple architectures and targets. Zephyr is released under Open Source Apache License 2.0

This blog is a short tutorial on how to  build, flash and run the sample  application using Zephyr RTOS. Here I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and B-L475-IOT1 Development Board.


What do you need?


Setup the Zephyr Development Environment

Follow this Zephyr documentation guide to install the required linux dependencies. Since the Zephyr provides a west (meta-tool) for building application, flashing and debugging them.


Install west

pip3 install --user -U west


Clone the Zephyr Repositories

Clone all of Zephyr repositories in a new zephyrproject directory.

west init zephyrproject
cd zephyrproject
west update

Install Python Dependencies

Install python packages required by Zephyr. From the zephyrproject directory that you cloned Zephyr into:

pip3 install --user -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt

Build and Run an application

Go to the zephyr cloned directory

cd zephyr


Setup your build environment



Before building the sample application check the environment variable are properly set by following command

printenv | grep ZEPHYR


This will print the environment variable




If ZEPHYR_TOOLCAIN_VARIANT and ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR is not set, follow the Zephyr documentaion guide to set the environment variable properly.


Build an blinky application

Build the blinky sample for ST disco_l475_iot1 board

west build -b disco_l475_iot1 samples/basic/blinky

The generated output file will be in build/zephyr/  directory. The directory contains bin, hex and elf file format.


Flash the application to a Board

west flash

Once the application is flashed it will blink the on board LED for every second.



In this post we build and flashed the sample blinky application for the disco_l475_iot1 board. In the next post we will build and run the sample application with Mcuboot.

Provisioning: Using Serial Download Protocol (SDP) – Part 2

In our previous post, we have explored basic details about Introduction to Provisioning and it’s needs. In this post we will narrow down our use case and experiment how it works. As mentioned in our previous post, we will use


Hardware: Phytec Phycore imx6UL/ULL SoM

Storage: eMMC


We will assume that the hardware is shipped without any software (bootloader). If the hardware is shipped with Bootloader and BSP, then we need to force the hardware to boot from Serial Download Mode (SDP) using boot switch. Refer to imx6UL/ULL datasheet and Technical Reference manual to know more about boot mode selection.


imx6UL/ULL primarily comes with 2 USB OTG controllers and to use SDP, we need to use OTG1 controller. Setup to get into SDP is,

  • Connect the USB OTG to the host machine (Raspberry PI in our case)
  • Connect debug UART to see the functional booting of the target

When in SDP mode, connecting USB OTG enumerates the Freescale imx6UL/ULL device below (seen using lsusb)

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 15a2:0080 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

When expanded with we have,

To detail, Freescale USB device enumerated with one configuration with one Interrupt Endpoint. SDP protocol uses this USB configuration (interrupt endpoint) to communicate with the SoC and upload images over USB. This is implemented as open source imx_usb_loader. In our case, I have cloned and compiled the latest version from Github. This utility depends on libusb.


The most important part of imx USB loader is imx_usb.conf,

pi@raspberrypi:~/imx_usb_loader $ cat imx_usb.conf
#vid:pid, config_file
0x066f:0x3780, mx23_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x004f, mx28_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0052, mx50_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0054, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0061, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0063, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0071, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x007d, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0080, mx6ull_usb_work.conf
0x1fc9:0x0128, mx6_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0076, mx7_usb_work.conf
0x1fc9:0x0126, mx7ulp_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x0041, mx51_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x004e, mx53_usb_work.conf
0x15a2:0x006a, vybrid_usb_work.conf
0x066f:0x37ff, linux_gadget.conf
0x1b67:0x4fff, mx6_usb_sdp_spl.conf
0x1b67:0x5ffe, mx6_usb_sdp_spl.conf
0x0525:0xb4a4, mx6_usb_sdp_spl.conf
0x1fc9:0x012b, mx8mq_usb_work.conf
0x1fc9:0x0134, mx8mm_usb_work.conf
0x3016:0x1000, mx8mm_usb_sdp_spl.conf

which stores the USB Vendor ID and Product ID and use respective configuration. Highlighted in RED is the Phytec’s imx6ULL SoC.

Loading U-boot bootloader image:

We are going to compile and load U-Boot using imx_usb_loader. To do so, we need to compile u-boot with SDP support. The mainline U-Boot version supports our board Phycore imx6UL/ULL and SDP is implemented as part of U-Boot. Please refer steps to compile u-boot and configuration option for your board/SoC in U-Boot documentation.

Configuration using: make ARCH=arm menuconfig

enable SDP in SPL and also in U-Boot and cross compile for ARM. Outcome of the compilation will be two images,

  • SPL – Secondary Program Loader (Executed directly by imx6 ROM Code)
  • U-Boot proper – Loaded by SPL

To load SPL first using imx_usb_loader,

sudo ./imx_usb ./SPL ./imx_usb.conf

which will load SPL into RAM and imx6 ROM code will start it. The next step is to load the U-Boot proper using,

sudo ./imx_usb ./u-boot-dtb.img ./imx_usb.conf

We can observe the same in imx6 targets UART Debug console,

U-Boot SPL 2019.10-00341-gffc379b42c-dirty (Oct 26 2019 - 21:54:46 +0200)
Trying to boot from USB SDP
SDP: initialize...
SDP: handle requests...
Downloading file of size 382 to 0x81000000... done
Downloading file of size 22262368 to 0x82000000... done
Downloading file of size 410113 to 0x877fffc0... done
Jumping to header at 0x877fffc0
Header Tag is not an IMX image

U-Boot 2019.10-00341-gffc379b42c-dirty (Oct 26 2019 - 21:54:46 +0200)

CPU: Freescale i.MX6ULL rev1.0 792 MHz (running at 396 MHz)
CPU: Industrial temperature grade (-40C to 105C) at 46C
Reset cause: POR
Model: Phytec phyBOARD-i.MX6ULL-Segin SBC
DRAM: 256 MiB
In: serial@2020000
Out: serial@2020000
Err: serial@2020000
Warning: ethernet@2188000 using MAC address from ROM
eth0: ethernet@2188000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0


In this post we have viewed the basic details about SDP and it’s working when loading U-Boot using imx_usb_loader. In the next post we will explore in details about the Vendor ID and Product ID usage in U-Boot proper and relative configuration in imx_usb_load. This will help further to achieve our goal of automated flashing.

Provisioning Embedded Linux – Part 1

Development of various Embedded Hardware in market based on various architectures are currently available as various consumer to industrial solutions. Hardware manufacturer also provide Board Supported Package (BSP) to get the hardware up and running with basic system software. Based on various requirements and use cases, these software are engineered in various ways and customized for specific purposes. Deployment of software to those hardware can be achieved in various ways based on hardware and System on Chip (SoC).


What is Provisioning?

Custom hardware are build and manufactured and then shipped to customer. But the deployment of software also needs to be done after the production. Usually the hardware come out of production will be bare meta (without any software) and in some cases, the manufacturer or vendor will flash basic Bootloader to get the software deployment started. In both the case, the deployment of software is a separate task and we call it as Provisioning.


Problem with Provisioning

The main challenge which is faced during provisioning is to handle multiple targets at the same time. Companies often need to ship millions of units to customers within weeks or in small use cases, this range will around hundreds. Large manufacturing and provisioning chain also includes automated mechanisms to flash the software to storage. In some cases, storage units like eMMC are pre-flashed before deploying/placing it in actual custom hardware. But having such setup is time consuming and not cost effective. Companies which supplies hardware in hundreds will not be able to have such huge setup and tend to involve huge manual efforts to get the hardware provisioned.


Use case:

As provisioning the bare metal hardware is specific to hardware or SoC, we will narrow down the real use case for below hardware platform.

Hardware Platform: Phytec Phycore imx6UL/ULL

Primary Storage: eMMC


Serial Download Protocol (SDP):

To understand our use case and provisioning process, we need to first understand the Freescale imx6 boot process. This is well documented as part imx6 Technical Reference Manual Chapter 8: System Boot and also there are many articles in internet which explains the boot process.

The overview of boot process is, when the SoC is powered the Boot ROM code will kick start and will look for bootable image from storage mediums like SD, eMMC and so on. If ROM finds correct bootable image, it will load the image into SRAM (inside SoC) or RAM based on configuration and execute it. It most cases the first program to load and run will be bootloader (like U-Boot, Barebox).

In case of newly manufactured hardware without pre-flashed software, there is special software loading option which is present in imx6, which is Serial Download Protocol (SDP) i.e in short Serial loading of software. When ROM couldn’t find any software in all the boot medium it will enter into SDP mode. Typically SDP can be achieved over UART and USB, so the boot ROM will look for bootable image by scanning the USB and UART.



Bare metal hardware can be loaded with bootable image using Serial Download Protocol and further our actual production/deployment image can be flashed into storage mediums like SD, eMMC. We will explore this in detail with necessary tools by manually loading and provisioning it. Later we will extend this solution in cheap or low cost automated way.